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Email marketing – A short guide for beginners

Email marketing, one of the oldest and most successful forms of digital communication. Today, surpasses even Social Media, SEO and Affiliate Marketing. Unbelievable but true! Email marketing is the most effective marketing channel, after all, it is not accidental, the favorite sales tool of all top marketeers. You still have to try it in your own business;


Despite the evolution of technology and the rise of social media, the email marketing remains timeless for a simple reason: we all have email. It is in a way our digital "identity" We use it every day to subscribe to digital platforms (facebook, instagram, spotify etc.), to send important documents and to communicate with our partners.


What is Email Marketing;


The email marketing or else email marketing – in GREEK – is one method of direct marketing through the sending of promotional emails. The goal of this tactic is to increase them sales (conversions), their potential customers (leads) or the recognizability (brand awareness).

Includes 1) newsletters – newsletters are usually weekly or monthly, 2) transactional emails or transactional emails, for example the confirmation of the transaction and 3) direct emails or direct emails, information emails about new products or special offers.


How Email Marketing works;

Email marketing requires three basic elements:


1. A list of emails

In order for the email marketing your campaign, you need to make one active list of emails. Specifically a database with real and genuine contacts who have expressed interest in receiving informative emails from your brand. It is very important to understand that the list is your target audience. So avoid "filling in" the list with emails of people who have never heard of your brand.

There are many ways to create a list. The easiest, is special offer – a bait to "bite" your audience. For example, discount 20% in every market, in exchange for subscribing to your monthly newsletter.


2. An email marketing service provider

A service provider or email platform (Email Service Providers – ESP) is a software that serves every step of your email marketing campaign. In addition, provides you with the tools you need content design and execution of automated or personalized messages, to multiple subscribers simultaneously by category.

When you learn to understand the needs and "wants" of your subscribers, you start building relationship of honesty and trust with them. The moment you realize the benefits of email marketing is when you notice them loyalty rates and conversions to grow.

The most recognized ESP for 2021 is:


3. Selection of goals

You can use it email marketing to achieve many business goals such as:

  • sales increase
  • enhance your brand recognition
  • increase the loyalty of your customers



To succeed in an email marketing campaign, the list, ESP and your goals need to be aligned!


The first step is to segment the email list yours, according Demographics or actions of subscribers (subscribers).

Subsequently, design the first email or message line to encourage your consumers to take action.

At ESP you will be able to watch them campaign details yours and you measure its performance.


How to automate your emails;

While the automation process varies depending on each ESP, There are some common steps to automate the emails you send to your subscribers


1.Categorize emails

Effective email marketing campaigns start with correct segmentation of your list. Use the data you have about your subscribers in order to group them in the best possible way. This is the key to success for more personalized campaigns.


It's time to plan your email calendar. How often will you send emails?; How many emails will you send per week or per month; In order not to "tire" your subscribers, ask them from the beginning to tell you how often they want to receive emails from you as well as the issues that concern them.

3.Defining the actions of the reader

After you plan the flow of your emails, determined the sequence of actions that you would ideally like your recipient to follow. For example, 1the step: open email, 2the step: click on a link etc.. This will help you design the structure of your content.


The best email marketing strategies




1.Make the right list

Your success in email marketing campaigns, depends on good quality of your email list. By "good" we mean a list of people who have shown interest in your brand and want to stay informed. Email marketing campaigns with randomly found email lists will waste your money and time.

2."Clean up" your list at regular intervals

To keep your list healthy you need to take care of it. You have to monitor it regularly and ensure its validity. All your email addresses are active; Everyone receives your emails;

3.Keep your list alive

THE proper planning as well as the monitoring of actions followed by your subscribers, helps you build a relationship of loyalty with them. The inconsistency and careless design of your content, has negative effects such as the complete indifference of your subscribers and the placement of your emails in spam (spam).

In case you realize that some of your subscribers are no longer interested in the content you offer them, created a campaign of re-loyalty.

4.Focus on one goal

Design any email marketing campaign by posing one goal at a time. Different, if you want to fit everything in one mail, you will only succeed in confusing your audience and reducing your conversion rates.

5. Define and monitor the correct KPIs (performance indicators)

The email marketing it is not a random process. It requires proper planning and personalized planning depending on your goal. Monitoring the performance of each of your campaigns based on them correct key performance indicators (KPI) will help you understand the right and wrong elements you have chosen.

6. Make sure the email is mobile friendly

Every day we use our cell phone for countless hours to exchange messages, to "scroll" on social media, to read news and of course to check our emails. Try to customize the content of your emails needs and screen dimensions of a mobile phone.


How to write a successful email



Meet your audience

The first step in creating compelling content is to get to know your audience. This helps you not only to better segment your list but also to create super-targeted texts for your emails.

Choose the most attractive TOPIC

The theme is the key factor in whether or not the reader will open your message. What you need to do to convince him at first sight; Use keywords, active voice, and personalize it as much as possible. You can also use emoji… but with "moderation".

Make it easy to read

People are flooded every day with dozens of emails that will probably never open. This is the reason to write the most legible text. Easy – Simple – Fast. Your message must be passed on to the recipient's conscience..

Tips to achieve this:

  • used short sentences and paragraphs
  • avoid terminology and complicated words
  • tell a story

Stories are a powerful way to get recipients' attention and get your message across..

Discover how to "read your subscribers

You can direct your readers the way you want as long as you use some specific methods based on the psychology of the media:

  • fear of losing (fear of missing out FOMO)
  • psychology of color
  • social impact


For more tips and tricks follow us at Facebook, in the Instagram or make an appointment with us.
