business blog, marketing, επιχειρηματικό blog

What is a business blog and why should you include it directly on your site?

Maybe, when most of us listen to blog comes to mind a website with recipes or travel. Indeed, these are some types of blogs. But if they are not used to attract customers or do not serve the marketing of a business then it is not a business blog!

The business blog is an excellent channel of communication with our ideal audience and customer magnet. Unfortunately, while it is powerful marketing tool he does not get the attention he deserves!

In this article we will see what a business blog is, why it is necessary for our business and how we can set it up.

What is a Business Blog?;

One of the simple definitions of a blog or blog is one website with common articles, relevant to the object of the business. These articles have a purpose to inform, to inform or entertain the reader and above all to give it value.

By giving value we mean to get the reader-potential customer what he is looking for and to connect with the brand your. The blog is a place to inform and connect with your ideal audience and not to sell your products directly! This will come after the customer trusts you and in fact has better results!

The blog should have something to do with the product or service you offer or something very closely linked and relevant. It is a marketing tactics designed, as we said, not just to inform readers, but to increase the visibility of your endeavor and, after all, to encourage readers to buy your products or services.

business blog, marketing, business blog

A professional blog usually appears on your business site as a separate category or page. It can also be displayed in the menu, on the home page or be hidden. That is, the articles should appear in the search engines, even though they are not visible on the site.

A post / article can vary in length. Usually a good post, which is favored by search engines, is between 1.000 and 2.500 of words. Unless your business's content strategy dictates otherwise, such as short texts and descriptions.

also, an article focuses mainly on one topic(e.g. "Instagram Marketing") and may contain hyperlinks to other resources, products, websites, even other blogs.

Why should I have a business blog;

Your site is at the same time marketing tool and marketing asset. You want as much as possible more people to see your site. The most common way people find a website is by using one searching machine(e.g. Google).

Suppose someone is looking for information or has a problem and is looking for a solution. Most likely it will ‘Google’ to get this information or to find the solution he is looking for. Beyond that, the question is which of all the results will decide to click.

Therefore you want your site to ranked as high as possible in related searches. also, your article should meet some criteria that will make it irresistible for the user and will lead him to click on the link that will lead him to your site The more useful and relevant the content of your website and the better the SEO, the better your ranking.

Whenever you create an article you add another reason and another opportunity for someone to visit your site.

In short some of the advantages of business blog are:

  • Increase traffic to your site
  • Increase the visibility of your business(brand awareness)
  • Establishes authority in your field
  • Creates a library of material for your social media
  • You connect more with your target audience
  • Attract potential new customers and even for free through organic impact
  • Conversion of users into customers thus increasing sales

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How To Start A Business Blog;

business blog, marketing, business blog

1) Understand your audience

The first and most important step is understand your audience before posting any random posts. Like any marketing strategy, a business blog starts with knowing it your ideal audience. Based on the target audience you will develop the topics, you will use keywords and you will be able to effectively promote your products and services.

As you understand is required to find it your ideal audience! What age group do they belong to?; They are men, women or both; Who live; They can easily spend the amount you ask for your product / service; What are their buying habits?; What results do you want to achieve; Collect data from many sources( e.g. site statistics, social media) and, subsequently, check them out.

Ask yourself: "What are the chances of a person becoming my client?, who searches this thing on Google and reads my article on this topic;»And create an article to achieve this!

2) Give your ID

There are hundreds of thousands of blogs available for almost every topic and no one needs another business blog. However, as long as there are people who google and look for solutions, you have the opportunity to stand out and give this solution to yourself..

If you want to establish your business blog as one of the best and top blogs in your industry, you have to find a position with which your target audience can identify with you.

Find out what problems your customers or potential customers are facing, give a solution and leave your mark.

3) Post regularly and consistently

Regular publishing has a dual purpose. Regular and consistent publishing lets search engines know that your content is updated regularly, is up to date and fresh. Search engines love fresh content! The more information they get from your site, the higher it ranks.

Also, if one is looking for information on a particular topic, such as e.g.. marketing seminars, then he is unlikely to read something that is five years old. With the technology and the ways we work are constantly changing, many of what you wrote 2016 may be irrelevant now. Keep your content fresh and up to date, especially with your most popular pieces.

Secondly, is that practice makes you better! The more regularly you write, the more familiar you become with writing, finding issues, creating SEO while improving your times.

Although there is no rule as to how often you should write, the answer is the more regularly the better and at least once a week.

If this does not seem possible to you, start and keep a frequency e.g.. once on 15 days. It is better than writing 10 articles collected and then leave it to chance for the next few months. On the other hand, if you have collected articles, you can schedule them so that each one is published, two or three weeks.

Search engines in addition to freshness also reward consistency.

4) Do SEO

SEO and blog go together! The SEO(Search Engine Optimizasion) is a set of many factors. It can be either off-line, performed off-site, either on-line, carried out within the site. Some of these factors are the keywords, the links, the visual material, the readability, the time spent on the site and more.

Some simple things you can do to get better SEO is:

Do keyword research. Think about what queries your audience can use that can make your blog appear in search results and, subsequently, Scatter these keywords in the content of your business blog. Use links with internal and external related references and of course create relevant content with what your title promises as it is what the user is looking for.

5) Promote your blog

It's good to spend time planning, preparation and writing, but it does not help if people do not come to your blog and read what you have posted with so much effort.

Especially in the beginning the search engines will not upload your article high if they do not understand what it is about and there is no traffic.

So in addition to a good SEO and waiting for the first page of google to appear you can do some extra actions. Promote blog posts through your business's social media.

Since your ideal audience is on social media then they will probably be interested in reading your post. This way you increase the traffic to your site but also the chances to gain users and achieve sales..

business blog, marketing, business blog

6) Include CTA

End, do not forget to include one CTA (Call To Action) in every post on your blog. Include CTA at the top, in the middle and at the bottom. Use prompts to direct your visitors to where they want to go after reading your post. The CTA help turn visitors into loyal followers and future customers. The CTA can be the subscription to the newsletter, to follow you on social media or leave a comment.

Do everything,what you can do to attract the audience first and then turn them into customers.

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Tips that you will find useful:

There are many more things to consider when writing content for a professional blog than when writing a "simple" magazine article.. There are some things you need to ensure so that your blog is not only attractive but also works as a marketing tool for you..

Such as:

1) Words and phrases

Before you even start writing, create a list of words and phrases that people are usually looking for in relation to your topic. Using , as we said, Keywords and keywords attract your ideal audience but also keep your content relevant to your subject.

2) Categorize

To make your blog more presentable and easy to read, categorize your topics. Choose what topics your site will deal with and categorize them e.g. Marketing tips, social media, e-mail marketing

3) Visual arts

An article with text only not is going to hold the attention of your readers for a long time, as interesting as it is. If the user sees a sheet’ then it is more likely to leave your site. What can you do;

Add visual material. This can be pictures, video, graphs, infographics and anything that makes the article more enjoyable and digestible.

4) Mobile optimization

Never assume that all your readers have access to your blog via laptop or desktop. Above the 75% Global Internet traffic is now made through mobile device. This is a great potential audience that you will lose if your blog and website are not optimized for mobile.

Make sure your blog is accessible to anyone using any device. The good news is that most site themes are now mobile optimized.

Always recognize that the primary purpose of your blog is to keep up with the marketing of your business, increase traffic to your site and give value to your visitors to become your customers.

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Recognizing your goals and focusing on your customers, then the rest become easier and follow. Establish another powerful tool for your site, make a difference and success is a given!

You may not have thought about how important a business blog tool is for your business. But now you know and it's probably time to review as you can give your business extra strength!

Ready to start writing and attracting customers;

If you still find it difficult we are here to help! Do not hesitate to contact us to answer any question. Follow us on Facebook and to Instagram to be the first to learn the latest about online entrepreneurship.
